Friday, July 19, 2013

A new take on the Mona Lisa, using the grid!

Each student 'copied' a square, or two, or three! Then it was fitted all together. Team work!
 P.S.  Somebody dropped that cord down over this masterpiece.......

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Nothing like making your own drawing tools for amazing effects! And it helps to have talent too!

This has been one of the camps that take place at Bellingham Arts Academy for Youth each summer. Our corner is the visual arts department, this week we engaged in sculpture, printing and drawing ventures. Every year it is nothing but fun for all involved!

She is proud of the graphite pencil she made and the drawing she did with it:)

Bits and pieces of a water dragon, and a skull too!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

My Work

A drawing of Heath Ledger.

Art Party

I recently hosted an Art Party at BAAY. It was a lot of fun!

The mother of the birthday girl said, "B had been asking to see Johanna again for months, so I thought a great birthday surprise would be an art party. She was ecstatic! The girls talked my ear off the entire way home, they all had a great time."